Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Universe Radio - special broadcast this Saturday

Universe Radio is celebrating 5 years of independent broadcasting!

We bring you music from all over the world. Hits, indie and album tracks. Our slogan and lifestyle: It's all about the Music!!!

Saturday, September 30 at 11 AM - 8 PM UTC+02

Special broadcast celebrating 5 years of Universe. Broadcasting from 11.00 till 20.00 on various AM Frequenties. All times are CET (CET= UTC+2) Please send your reception report to

Speciale uitzending vanwege het 5 jarige bestaan van Universe. Vanaf 11.00 tot 20.00 zijn we te horen op verschillende korte golf zenders. Graag ontvangen we ontvangstrapporten op

11.00 - 15.00 CET 15.230Khz (100Kw vanuit Gavar, Armenia)

12.00 - 17.00 CET 9.330 Khz (50Kw vanuit Monticello, USA)

16.00 - 20.00 CET 6.070Khz (10Kw vanuit Rohrback, Germany)

Info from: [dxld]

11.00 - 15.00 CET 15.230Khz (100Kw vanuit Gavar, Armenia) 
Very good and strong signal in Poland.

Radio Taiwan International Special QSL

Received QSL for special broadcast from Radio Taiwan International. Transmit from Tamsui, Taiwan.
Our SWL are on 12.030 MHz 18:00 - 19:00 UTC 01.09.2017.
Broadcast in German language.
Reception Report was sent to

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Saturday, 23 September 2017


 Since today testing new SWL Logger!
You can try also download here: