Our SWL are on 13680MHz 12:00 - 12:40 UTC 17.12.2016
Broadcast in English language.
Reception Report was sent to reports@voiceofhope.com
After report received response from ray.robinson@email.com
Hi, Adam. I confirm from the recording on YouTube that you did
indeed catch Voice of Hope - Africa today from Zambia. However, the
beam direction of the weekend afternoon transmissions on 13680 kHz is
315 degrees, from Zambia to West Africa (Nigeria), not to South Africa.
The programme you heard was our weekly financial news update for
farmers, presented by Chela Silwamba. We will be happy to send our QSL
card, but I am currently traveling and it will be several weeks before
we can deal with the next batch of QSL's. Please be patient.
Merry Christmas from all at Voice of Hope,
Ray Robinson
Vice President, Global Operations
Strategic Communications Group